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Colloidal Silver Generator

What is colloidal silver? It’s made up of silver particles suspended in water. You can search the internet and read, on one side, people who claim its a miracle cure all and on the other end, that its a scam. It’s up to you to decide if colloidal silver has any benefit, but as an engineer, developing a simple colloidal silver generator seemed like ...

Wiring Harness Form Board Continuity Tester

Building large wiring harnesses can be a bit challenging. By large i am talking about harnesses 10’s of feet long or more, with possibly dozens of connectors branching off at various places along the cable. To help with this task, often a full wiring diagram, printed to scale, will be placed on a table, so that technicians can have a visual aid when building ...

Backshell Torque Tooling

Backshells on connectors are often used to provide strain relief and to protect the cable and connectors from environmental factors. For maximum reliability, the connector manufacturers provide a specific torque that the backshell should be tightened to. There are several ways that the amount of torque applied could be measured. Some will place the connector into a fixture with a calibrated torque wrench, with ...

Automated Crimp Tool Inspection

A common tool used when assembling custom cables, is a crimper. A crimper, crimps or binds a wire to a connector pin. It does this by effectively squeezing the metal base of a pin to a wire. If you are not familiar with this process, the image below shows the steps necessary to crimp a pin. The part of the tool that actually presses ...